The Neula platform is heading to foreign markets

Mordor Intelligence has published the results of its market analyzes of Business Process Management tools (including solutions for process management and optimization, as well as tools for document and case flow management). According to their predictions the value of this market will increase from USD 3.38 billion in 2019 to USD 4.78 billion in 2025. Average annual growth is expected to remain at 6.26%. COVID-19 epidemic has not stopped this pace, and in some segments it has even accelerated the implementation of the digital revolution in organizations.

JT Weston wants to benefit from this rapidly growing track and looks for opportunities to sell its services outside Poland. Some works will be co-financed from UE sources – under sub-measure 3.3.1. Polish Technological Bridges of the Smart Growth Operational Program for 2014-2020 – within two projects aimed at gaining distribution outposts on the markets of Canada and the United Arab Emirates market.

As part of the national stage of projects, we took part in workshops devoted to familiarizing the beneficiaries with the specificity of selected markets and the business conditions. They were conducted by specialists in the field of internationalization, representatives of chambers of commerce and companies that had already managed to achieve success on non-EU markets. The next step was to develop a strategy for entering selected markets, with the support of experts selected by the Polish Investment and Trade Agency. The scope and directions of activities necessary to start selling the Neula platform on the Canadian and UAE markets have been specified.

The developed strategies were positively assessed during the expert panel, which allowed us to qualify for the foreign stages of projects. During them, we plan to conduct analyzes of the legal framework for products on local markets, including the possibility of intellectual property protection and implement market activities. One of the main tasks will be to find partners – distributors who will represent the company on particular markets. It is also planned, if the “epidemic” conditions allow it, to participate in fairs and conferences devoted to Business Process Management and Robotic Process Automation as well as direct meetings with potential partners and customers. We have a good product, a ready action strategy, expert help and lots of enthusiasm. We believe that Neula will be appreciated by new clients, now in the international scene.